The Wall Around Your Heart: How Jesus Heals You When Others Hurt You Discount

Family members hurt
us. Friends betray us. Fellow Christians deceive us. But Jesus provides a path
through the pain—the Lord’s Prayer.
In The Wall Around
Your Heart, Mary DeMuth shows you that you can reach wholeness and healing in the aftermath of painful
relationships by following the road map of the Lord’s Prayer. You’ll walk
through story after story of hurt people who are led through biblical truth into
amazing, life-sustaining, joyful growth.
Life is hard. People
can be mean and petty and awful. But they can also be amazing and beautiful and
sacrificial. God is good. He is faithful. You can trust him with your
relationships. “He’ll send people to call out what is hard in your heart,” Mary
shares. “And that’s a gift to you.”
Allow God to access the wall around your heart. Dare to say,
“Tear down the bricks, Lord, whatever it takes.” Pray first. Ask for
bravery—for yourself and for others. Risk engaging despite your hurt. Seek the
shelter of Jesus.
You don’t have to resign yourself to your wounds! You can rise above the pain. You’ll usher in a new
life—an openhearted way of relating to others that expands the kingdom of God. In
the process, you’ll draw closer to Jesus, be healed, and become an agent of
healing to others.
Additional Information
Format | Softcover, eBook |